Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy (belated) Birthday MLK Jr.

You will always be missed, but never forgotten. Your memory is still very much in my thoughts. I swear the words from the staple 'I Have a Dream' speech are just as important NOW as they were then. It's 2010 people... Isn't it obvious, we need to start loving each other and stop the hate. When will the world wake up and realize the importance of love and compassion for the simple fact that we are all gods creatures regardless of color, creed, or religion? We are people. The race of Humans. The differences in each other ARE what make life beautiful. Look at the world, the Earth is angry from the lack of love and its taking it out on us with all of these natural disasters i.e. Earthquakes, Hurricanes, etc.. The list goes on. People need to stop hiding behind hate and fear, and open up their minds to the idea that hatred is a poison and love is always the answer. So I too have a dream, and have faith that one day it will be fulfilled. Today is my birthday. I am 22. I just wanted to share a piece of my thoughts on the subject because as I continue my journey through life, another year older and wiser, I realize more and more that life is short and shouldn't be taken for granted and that you can't go through life with hate in your heart. Love, and having love in your heart is what creates change, creates life. It could create a sense of clarity and understanding amongst the masses that we as humans are all brothers and sisters for that simple fact. And the different human characteristics we ALL have should be appreciated and not hated. John Lennon said it best, all you need is love...

Remembrance Is Power.


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