Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Inhale influence, exhale influentials...

I think this is very true. When I'm in the moment of creating and I'm on a roll, a bunch of different ideas, pictures, themes, atmospheres pop into my head and come resonating out of me like a whirl wind of creativity. Sometimes these feelings are overwhelming I don't know what to do with them. So I write them, draw them, dance them as best I can so I hang onto my ideas. I look at this quote everyday and am reminded that I strive for the best in myself and if I am not constant or am not creative, I am not living.

Creativity is King,


1 comment:

  1. I read this the other day, and after reading this entry, thought I had to share it with you.

    Don't ask yourself what the world needs;
    Ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that.
    Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
    -Harold Whitman
